Chi Kung
Posted by Lawrence Galante on 2/24/2012 to
Please Explain
Chi Kung exercises are short, gentle, simple sequences of moves coordinated with the breath. Chi Kung is suitable for adults of any age as is Tai Chi, which is a longer and more complex form of Chi Kung.
Health Benefits of Tai Chi & Chi Kung
Posted by Lawrence Galante on 2/23/2012 to
Tai Chi
Recently, many health insurance providers and health organizations are recommending classes in Tai Chi.
Yang Style Short Form Tai Chi
Posted by Lawrence Galante on 2/23/2012 to
Please Explain
There are many styles of Tai Chi Chuan. The one taught by Lawrence Galante is a set form of 37 slow, relaxed movements, coordinated with your breathing. Chi is the Chinese word for breath or life energy. Deep breathing and breath control are important aspects of the Tai Chi form as taught by Lawrence Galante.
Tai Chi as Martial Art
Posted by Lawrence Galante on 2/12/2012 to
Tai Chi
Tai Chi Chuan means “The Supreme Ultimate System of Boxing.” When taught and practiced as such, it is a formidable and profound martial art based on the principles of yin and yang.