Certification in Tai Chi from Lawrence Galante's School of Tai Chi means that you have successfully completed both sections of the Yang Style short form. This is the form developed and taught by Master Cheng Man-ch'ing, Lawrence Galante's teacher. The certification is designed as a home study course but may also be done by attending classes. This certification is one of the requirements for the more advanced Teaching Certificate (see below.)
It is highly recommended that the serious Tai Chi student should practice a minimum of twice daily, and study the basic principles of Tai Chi as outlined in Lawrence Galante's book Tai ChiāThe Supreme Ultimate and other Tai Chi classics.
REGISTRATION: payment of $100 registration fee plus a $100 fee for 2 sets of Tai Chi form evaluations. We have a convenient online registration package which includes all required course materials and fees. Or if you prefer to register once you have completed the home study materials, simply contact us when you are ready for your evaluations.
REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: The book Tai Chi-The Supreme Ultimate, the video or DVD, Two Person Form video or DVD, and Tai Chi Kung video or DVD by Lawrence Galante. All materials are available from our online store either individually or as part of the registration package.
REQUIREMENTS: Proceed at your own pace as their are no course deadlines. After completion of the first section of the form, submit a video of yourself for evaluation. Lawrence Galante will provide you with correction and advise you on how best to proceed. Before learning the second section of the form, incorporate all the corrections that were given to you in the first section. Then submit your second video containing both sections of the form for final evaluation. Your certificate will be awarded if you demonstrate that you have learned all the moves in the Yang Tai Chi form, along with an understanding of the principles of Tai Chi movement. If further study is needed, corrections will be made and an additional $50 fee will be charged for each additional video submitted for in-depth evaluation. Evaluations may also be taken in person or by attending a Lawrence Galante class.