Chi Kung
Chi Kung exercises are short, gentle, simple sequences of moves coordinated with the breath. Chi Kung is suitable for adults of any age as is Tai Chi, which is a longer and more complex form of Chi Kung.
Homeopathy - Second Largest Medical System in the World
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine developed over 200 years ago by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. It is widely practiced throughout Europe and Asia and, at the beginning of the 19th century, was popular in the United States.
What is a Homeopathic Remedy?
Homeopathic medicines, or "remedies," work based on the principle of "like cures like."
Please Explain: Hypnosis
Although the word hypnosis comes from the Greek word hypnos meaning "to sleep," hypnosis is not sleep at all, but rather a very deep state of physical relaxation and acute mental alertness. This state is more correctly described as a hypnotic trance.
For more on hypnosis, read on and also see my 30-minute interview conducted by Kate Blecher of Kate's Holistic Healing.